On Being Bipolar Home Page

Particularly stressful is the threat of suicide.  When a family member is overtly suicidal, most families realize the importance of immediate professional help.  However, suicidal tendencies are also expressed in more subtle ways.  As suicide is often and impulsive act, quite unexpected by the family, it is important to be aware of some of the common warning signs:

feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness
feelings of anguish or desperation
preoccupation with death or other morbid topics
social withdrawal
increased risk-taking, (speeding while driving, handling weapons, drinking heavily)
sudden burst of energy or brightened mood after being seriously depressed
putting affairs in order (writing a will, giving possessions away)
having an actual plan by which to commit suicide
hearing voices that command self-mutilation or suicide
having a family history of suicidal behavior

removal of all weapons, even cars and other potentially dangerous vehicles
search for a staff of drugs to guard against an over-dose.  Insure patient is taking medication
calm communication with person to assess the situation without condemnation.  The person may feel less cut off and both may judge more easily whether protective hospitalization is in order
communication with helping professionals re: concerns
decision whether constant supervision would be useful

 Emotional EffectsSocial EffectsChanges in FamilyFamily Structure

Expectations StressCommunications

On Being Bipolar © 2000 - 2005
All information on this site is Copyright of Lizy Gipson 2000 - 2005
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