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Regardless of which family member is ill, role relationships often shift in response to the illness.  If, for instance, a father is unable to provide financial and emotional support, the mother may have to take on additional responsibilities in both spheres in order to compensate.  She may find herself in the position of a single parent but without the freedom of decision-making afforded by single parenting.  Added to this, the wife may find herself parenting her ill husband as she monitors his symptoms, his medications and deals with hospitalization.  As the husband's capacity for work and family participation fluctuates, the wife is at risk for ongoing confusion and resentment.  Children may take on caretaking responsibilities when mother is absent and may even become the sole source of emotional support for the mother when she is present.  If a sibling is ill, other siblings may have to take on the role of caretaker when parents are away.  All members are subjected to demands far greater than would normally be expected.

 Emotional EffectsSocial EffectsChanges in FamilyExpectations

On Being Bipolar © 2000 - 2005
All information on this site is Copyright of Lizy Gipson 2000 - 2005
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