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Much as I hate to admit it, taking the caffeine out of my diet made the biggest difference, especially when I am manic.  It's been months, and I allow myself the occasional caffeinated coffee or chocolate, but the difference is truly amazing.
When you are really stressed, take the time and have a bath with Epsom salts.  Both you and your body with be thankful
Remember to breathe.  So often we get so wound up that we forget to breathe.  It will calm your heart, and calm your mind.
No negative self-talk.  We have enough guilt to deal with, no sense in beating ourselves up about it.
Talk about how you are feeling.  If you keep things bottled inside of you it's bound to either explode at the wrong time or eat you alive.  Use your support system.  Let your supporters know how you are feeling.  Talk with them as long as you need to, expressing all emotions that come up.
Sleep when you have to.  Sometimes that's just the best choice.
Stay in constant contact with your psychiatrist when you are affected.  Get help before things get out of hand.  Do not hesitate to call a doctor if you need one.
Stay at home or in familiar settings.  Steer clear of stimulating environments such as bars and dances.
Reduce the stress level in your environment.  Keep away from stressful people.
Make a list of things to do for the day and stick with it.
Keep a list of things you can do to use up excess energy, such as washing the floor, weeding the garden, painting, cleaning out closets; BUT make sure that these activities are not too over stimulating

Personal Advice 10 Things to remember when Depression 10 Thing to remember when Manic 10 Commandments of Manic-Depression

On Being Bipolar © 2000 - 2005
All information on this site is Copyright of Lizy Gipson 2000 - 2005
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