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Basically, the chief symptom of mania is an elevated, expansive mood.  This mood is thought to progress along a continuum which includes the following states:

1. normal states: happiness, pleasure, joy
2. moderate elations: hypomanic or cyclothymic personality; here a person experiences heightened self esteem, increased creativity and work ability, decreased need for sleep                        
3. mania: symptoms start interfering with social and physiological function.
4. "delirious" or psychotic manic: sever overactivity, hostile attitude, destruction of property, assaultiveness, paranoid delusions or hallucinations. 

Specific symptoms again influence areas of feelings, thinking, body, behaviors, all of which have the quality of being in high gear, and bursting at the seams.


elevated mood, feeling high, elated, euphoric, ecstatic
irritability, excessive anger over trivial things, over-reacting to stimuli
labile, rapid emotional changes:  feeling happy one minute and then angry the next for no apparent reason

inflated self-esteem, grandiosity, thinking one is more powerful that one really is
ideas pour in at an incredible pace and mental associations occur so that speech can be full of jokes, plays on words and amusing irrelevancies
misinterpretations of events. distortion of the meaning of ordinary comments
racing thoughts, flight of ideas, jumping quickly from one topic to the other
poor judgment, one will probably not recognize that one is ill and is apt to refuse treatment, will blame others for things that go wrong
loss of touch with reality - hearing voices (hallucinations) or having strange ideas (delusions) about being persecuted, controlled.

excessive energy
decreased sleep - sometimes only a couple of hours a night
a heightening of all the senses, especially in the perceptions of colours and light

involvement with grandiose money making schemes
compulsive desire to be socially involved prompting phone calls to friends at all hours of the night to discuss plans
overspending, giving money away, going on shopping sprees, incurring heavy debts, moving from one activity to another without stopping.
socially intrusive, headstrong, targeting the self-esteem of others, alienating family members
angry and demanding
talking more than usual, sometimes loudly and quickly
a new interest in collection of clothes, possessions or other objects
increased sexual activity, may want sexual intercourse several times a day, may pick up partners indiscriminately

Characteristics Bipolar IBipolar II

On Being Bipolar © 2000 - 2005
All information on this site is Copyright of Lizy Gipson 2000 - 2005
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